
Streamline your warehouse
operations with a simple, fast,
and flexible solution!

Pick by Voice for logistics is an ideal solution for any warehouse or fulfillment center run by local retailers or by providers of integrated logistics services. This voice-directed solution powered by advanced technology enables cost optimization and increases staff productivity across all logistics processes.

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Simplified warehouse processes are the easiest way
to increase productivity!

Pick by Voice uses intuitive voice guidance to give warehouse operators specific instructions at each stage of the process.
The efficient implementation of the solution powered by new Ivanti technology enables an optimal use of the human resources and helps to reduce workforce, handing, and transportation costs.



  • Providers of third-party logistics services (3PL) need to be very flexible in order to respond to customer requirements.
  • Pick by Voice helps 3PL providers to efficiently handle diverse goods for a variety of industries.
  • Due to its unparalleled versatility and adaptability to any industry, Pick by Voice is the ideal choice for 3PL providers.


  • In retail, on-shelf availability is critical.
  • In the grocery sector, logistics providers handle fresh produce requiring different storage temperatures.
  • Operators need a hands-free, eyes-free solution to handle pallets safely and correctly.


  • Pick by Voice is an ideal solution for manufacturing and supply of spare parts.
  • In the automotive industry, accuracy is more important than speed.
  • Unless early detected, assembly errors could result in more serious consequences than time delays and additional costs.


  • Voice-directed document picking at loading points and while on route;
  • Hands-free, eyes-free environment;
  • Significantly reduced accident risks;
  • Improved service quality.

Logistics Processes – The easiest and fastest way
to add voice to any application

Order picking
Order delivery
Put away
Moving and handling
Inventory management
Quality control
Truck loading

How SmartID.Pick by Voice works ?

Why choose a Ivanti Pick by Voice solution today?

  • Voice-directed technology is significantly more efficient than other picking solutions for logistics.;
  • It can be implemented within 30 days at a cost two times lower than other applications.;
  • Use of mobile barcode scanners can impair operators’ focus and result in delays in the logistics processes.
  • Use of traditional paper picklists is more time consuming and more prone to human errors.
  • Research has shown that voice-directed solutions are more efficient than other data capture methods.
  • The solution includes full voice capabilities and supports 50 languages and voice-to-text and text-to-voice workflows.


“Quick response to all our requests, customized and professional solutions for our logistics projects, high quality products and an expert team… SmartID is a reliable and trustworthy partner that has constantly supported us in our growth over the last eight years.”

Cristina Bîrsan, Purchasing Manager, Aquila Part Prod Com

“SmartID has long been a trusted partner. We do value their flexibility and responsiveness in delivering the solutions and equipment we need in our business.”

Emanuel Prichici, Logistics & IT Manager, Quehenberger Logistics

“Flawless operation of our Zebra and Datalogic mobile computers is essential for seamless processes and increased worker uptime in our main warehouse, as well as for high quality deliveries. We are glad that SmartID has been our partner for the last four years and that we can rely on a professional team that understand our core values and are ready to provide excellent service every time.”

Dan Săcuiu, IT Manager, Gebrüder Weiss

Key features of SmartID.Pick by Voice

  • Advanced voice capabilities to guide warehouse staff;
  • Integration with the warehouse management system and the warehouse control system;
  • Support for additional interfaces to read user’s gestures, facial expression, and eye direction and movement;
  • Support for integration of AI-driven industrial automations.
  • Quick integration with the existing systems, without requiring extensive staff training;
  • No additional costs or involvement of a voice vendor are needed to make changes or to retest the solution when host applications are upgraded;
  • Ivanti Speakeasy technology for an easy and cost-effective upgrading of the existing system;
  • No need of a server for voice encoding or decoding as voice processing is handled within the device.
  • Integration with Windows Mobile and Windows CE mobile computers;
  • Configuration of voice functions within terminal emulation, industrial browser, and acceleration solutions;
  • Support for integration with next-generation Android devices for companies planning a new hardware rollout.
  • Data is transferred to host applications via the same stream data is entered by operators;
  • The solution can be integrated as a multi-path system including barcode scanning, digital input or even keyboard input;
  • Easy integration with WMS and ERP and voice processing by the mobile computer;
  • As voice processing is handled within mobile computers, host applications can be used without any modifications or middleware.

Benefits of Pick by Voice compared to other picking solutions for logistics

Streamlined warehouse operations
Increased accuracy
Support for integration within multiple sectors
Support for integration within multiple sectors
Acceleration of warehouse operations
Improved communication between managers and staff

Pick By Voice Performance Indicators

Up to 50% higher performance and productivity compared to traditional picking systems

Up to 50% less training time for all users

Up to 99% less picking errors and delays

Smart ID offers you accessible technical support:

Easy monitoring of equipment and software;
Flexible service functionalities and minimal security interventions;
Native POS system and POS mode;
Customization options in line with the industry standard.


Contact a Pick by Voice consultant

    Informaţii suplimentare aici.

    Ce avantaje aduce o aplicatie de tipul Pick by Voice?

    Solutia Pick by Voice reprezinta un suport vocal ce ofera operatorilor din depozite si nu numai, instructiuni specifice pentru fiecare etapa din activitatea zilnica. Implementata eficient, o astfel de aplicatie poate aduce numeroase avantaje in ceea ce priveste optimizarea capitalului uman, dar si eficientizarea diferitor costuri ce au legatura cu forta de munca, manipularea si transportul marfurilor.

    In ce domenii de activitate este potrivita aplicatia Pick by Voice?

    Aplicatia Pick by Voice isi poate gasi utilitatea in majoritatea domeniilor de activitate importante precum: logistica, retail, productie sau curierat. In fiecare dintre aceste domenii, aplicatia poate aduce avantaje importante, astfel ca dincolo de eficientizarea semnificativa a unor activitati, aceasta poate chiar imbunatatii calitatea serviciilor oferite. Pick by Voice este o aplicatie conceputa pentru un viitor in care metodele clasice de optimizare a activitatilor nu mai asigura performante ridicate.

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