Are you not satisfied with a product
that you have purchased from us?

Our team is ready to help.

Pursuant to the Government Emergency Order no. 34/2014, you can return a product within 14 days of purchase in the original condition and packaging. Our return policy may vary depending on each product category on the website.

Do you want to return a product?
Find out more about our Return Conditions


Barcode scanners 15 days
Printers 15 days
Mobile computers 15 days
Rugged laptops and tablets 15 days
Scales 15 days
Label applicators 15 days
Electronic shelf labels 15 days
Software licenses non-returnable
Consumables that have been unsealed non-returnable
Activated software licenses non-returnable
Services non-returnable
Additional warranties non-returnable
Items returned with missing warranty certificates, manuals, invoices or return forms non-returnable
Items returned with damaged or incomplete packaging, wear marks, scratches, dents, marks suggesting electrical shocks or with missing accessories and consumables* non-returnable
Items purchased at special prices, discounted prices or special negotiated prices non-returnable
Items that you have purchased against the advice of our consultants that recommended a similar product with different functionalities, and as a result you have chosen an ineffective solution non-returnable

The shipping costs for returns will be paid by the purchasing company. Please indicate the return number on the shipping document and attach all the supporting documents:

  • Invoice (copy)
  • Return Form
  • Original Warranty Certificate for the returned product refunds you within 15 days of receiving the returned product and confirming that the product is not damaged.

Yes, you can exchange a product purchased from with a different one available on the website in accordance with the Return Conditions*.

Yes, you can exchange a product purchased from with a different one available on the website in accordance with the Return Conditions*.

For more information, please contact our Technical Support Department:

Phone: +40 729 860 000

*Excepted items:
Items found to be damaged on return
If the returned products are found to be damaged, we reserve the right to make the acceptance of the return conditional and to assess the damage. Following this assessment, the value of the product will be recalculated.

Get in touch with an expert

If you did not find the answer you are looking for, you can contact our colleagues at the following addresses:

Click on Chat to contact an IDmag Expert:

Monday – Friday
8.00 a.m – 6.00 PM

Call an Expert::
Phone: +4 0728 008 881